
Zde naleznete materiály ke konverzačním lekcím.

Před hodinou je důležité vytisknout a projít si slovní zásobu k tématu, abyste měli lepší přehled o tom, co Vás čeká. Doporučujeme napsat si na ně i pár cvičných vět, ať se Vám s nimi v hodině lépe pracuje. Chcete-li být schopni používat naučenou slovní zásobu, musíte se řídit jednoduchým pravidlem: Nové slovo vlastně neumím, dokud jsem ho sám nepoužil ve větě.  Neučte se tedy biflováním. Takový přístup je nejen otravný, ale hlavně neefektivní. Zasazujte nová slovíčka do kontextu tím, že s nimi budete tvořit věty. Je to sice pracnější, zato daleko efektivnější způsob učení se jazyku.

Konverzační otázky Vám mají pomáhat při lekcích udržovat konverzaci v chodu. Máte-li pocit, že už nevíte o čem se dál bavit, a že jste si už všechno řekli, pomožte si některou z připravených otázek. Surely, you'll be able to find the one that gets your discussion up and running again:-).


Course no. 3

Day 2, Hobbies & Interests I
Day 4, Holidays & Hotel I
Day 6, Food & Diet I (Restaurant)
Day 8, People Around Us
Day 10, Daily Routines
Day 12, House, Flat, Garden
Day 14, Health I
Day 16, Education I
Day 18, Animals & Pets

Course no. 4

Day 2, Traveling by Plane & Train
Day 4, Shopping I
Day 6, Telephone & Email Communication
Day 8, Clothes & Fashion I
Day 10, Describing People I
Day 12, Outdoor Recreation & Camping
Day 14, Jobs and Professions I
Day 16, Sightseeing
Day 18, Holidays & Festivities

Course no. 5

Day 2, Food and Diet II
Day 4, Friendship & Other Relationships
Day 6, Holidays and Hotel II
Day 8, Household & Housework
Day 10, Driving and Cycling
Day 12, Computers & Internet
Day 14, Applying for a Job
Day 16, Health II
Day 18, Shopping II (Money)

Course no. 6

Day 2, Goals & Challenges
Day 4, Movie Industry
Day 6, Clothes and Fashion II
Day 8, Parenting
Day 10, Education II
Day 12, Countries & Geography
Day 14, Jobs and Professions II
Day 16, The Modern World
Day 18, Describing People II

Course no. 7

Day 2, Hobbies & Interests II
Day 4, A Stroll Around a City
Day 6, Healthy Lifestyle
Day 8, Love, Wedding, Marriage
Day 10, Consumerism
Day 12, Crime & Punishment
Day 14, Cultural Activities
Day 16, Science
Day 18, World Problems

Course no. 8

Day 2, Food and Diet III
Day 4, Children, Teenagers and Growing up
Day 6, Sports
Day 8, Business
Day 10, Stress & Mental Health
Day 12, Fear
Day 14, Behavior
Day 16, Morality, Values & Human Rights
Day 18, Politics

Course no. 9

Day 2, Health III
Day 4, Society
Day 6, Education III
Day 8, Honesty & Truthfulness
Day 10, Describing People III
Day 12, Life and Death
Day 14, Elections
Day 16, Peoples and Culture
Day 18, Environment


Course no. 3

Day 2, Hobbies
Day 2, Hobbies 2
Day 4, After a Vacation + Hotel
Day 6, At the Restaurant
Day 8, Family
Day 10, Daily Routines - no CQ for this topic
Day 12, Home
Day 14, Health
Day 16, School & Education
Day 18, Animals and Pets

Course no. 4

Day 2, Air & Train Travel
Day 4, Money & Shopping
Day 6, Telephone & Email
Day 8, Clothes & Fashion
Day 10, Appearance & Personality
Day 12, Outdoor Recreation & Camping
Day 14, Jobs & Professions
Day 16, Sightseeing & Tourism
Day 18, Christmas & Easter
Day 18 - Issues and Controversies

Course no. 5

Day 2, Food & Eating
 Day 4, Friendship & Other Relationships
Day 6, After a Vacation + Hotel - see Course 3, Day 4
Day 8, Chores
Day 10, Driving & Cycling
Day 12, Computers & Internet
Day 14, Job Interview
Day 16, Health - see Course 3, Day 14
Day 18, Money

Course no. 6

Day 2, Goals
Day 4, Movies
Day 6, Clothes and Fashion - see Course 4, Day 8
Day 8, Parenting
Day 10, School & Education - see Course 3, Day 16
Day 12, Countries & Traveling
Day 14, Jobs & Professions - see Course 4, Day 14
Day 16, Global Issues
Day 18, Appearance & Personality - see Course 4, Day 10

Course no. 7

Day 2, Hobbies - see Course 3, Day 2
Day 4, Cities
Day 6, Healthy Lifestyle
Day 8, Dating, Marriage
Day 10, Consumerism
Day 12, Crime
Day 14, Books & Music
+ Entertainment
Day 16, Science & Technology

Course no. 8

Day 2, Food and Diet III - see Course 5, day 2
+ Diets & Cooking
Day 4, Childhood & Adolescence
Day 6, Sports
Day 8, Business
Day 10, Stress
Day 12, Fear
Day 14, Behavior
Day 16, Values, Ethics, Human Rights
Day 18, Politics

Course no. 9

Day 2, Health - see Course 3, Day 14
Day 4, Society
Day 6, School & Education - see Course 3, Day 16
Day 8, Honesty and Truthfulness
Day 10, Appearance & Personality - see Course 4, Day 10
Day 12, Life & Death + Our Future
Day 14, Politics - see Course 8, Day 18
Day 16, Customs, Culture & Human Nature
Day 18, Environment & Pollution